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Fresh Coconut Cake Recipe…

April 13, 2010

As you all know by now, I have almost every magazine subscription you can think of!  I look for decorating, fashion, and entertaining inspirations from the pages…especially new recipes.  I just love mixing together various ingredients and enjoying the fruits of my labor.  In the Cooking Light April 2010 issue, I saw a recipe for Fresh Coconut Cake that made my mouth water!  I must confess that this is one of the lightest, not-to-sweet-tasting, amazing confections that I have ever tasted! Whipping up all those egg whites was worth it as each bite was pure bliss!  *Note that instead of the 1 cup of coconut milk for the cake ingredients, I substituted 1 cup of coconut rum…don’t judge!

Make sure to fold in the whipped egg whites instead of just stirring to maintain the light-as-air texture.

Let all three layers cool completely before spreading on that creamy frosting!

Don't worry about uneven edges between the three layers. You can "trim" the circumference of the cake to give a more symmetrical/professional look.

Here's my finished product! I didn't toast my coconut but that's just my preference.

I've had a slice for dessert after every meal since making this!

2 Comments leave one →
  1. April 14, 2010 8:21 am

    Yummy… these looks good!!!

    peace & love

  2. Nelson Chuppa permalink
    October 11, 2012 1:18 am

    There are so many cake recipes to choose from but i always want those cake recipes with choclate chip cookies in it. .`”‘`

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